Is Valentine’s Day Haram?
Valentine's Day is globally recognised as the holiday associated with love and as it gains notoriety so does the question. Is Valentine’s Day Halal?
Valentine’s Day is widely recognized as a day dedicated to love and romance. Couples around the world exchange gifts, cards, flowers, and heartfelt messages to express their affection. While it is a beloved tradition for many, questions arise regarding its permissibility in Islam. Is Valentine’s Day halal, or does it conflict with Islamic principles?

The History of Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day dates back to ancient Rome. There are several theories regarding its origins, the most popular being linked to Saint Valentine, a Christian martyr. According to historical accounts, Saint Valentine was a priest who performed secret marriages for soldiers against the orders of Emperor Claudius II, who believed unmarried men made better warriors. Valentine was eventually executed for defying the emperor’s decree, and he was later canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church.
However, Valentine’s Day may have even earlier roots in the pagan Roman festival of Lupercalia, which was celebrated in mid-February. This fertility festival involved rituals that were later deemed inappropriate by the Christian Church, leading to its transformation into a day associated with romantic love. By the Middle Ages, Valentine’s Day had gained popularity in Europe, particularly in England and France, as a time for lovers to exchange poems and gifts.
By the 19th century, Valentine’s Day had spread beyond Europe, largely due to commercialization. The exchange of handwritten love notes evolved into printed greeting cards, and businesses began capitalizing on the romantic spirit of the holiday by selling flowers, chocolates, and jeweller. The rise of mass media and globalization in the 20th century further cemented Valentine’s Day as a universal celebration, observed in countries across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, despite varying cultural and religious perspectives.
In some countries, Valentine’s Day has been embraced as a modern tradition, while in others, it is met with resistance. Some governments have even banned its observance, citing cultural and religious concerns.

Is Valentine’s Day Halal? The Islamic Perspective
From an Islamic perspective, the permissibility of celebrating Valentine’s Day is a matter of debate. The concerns surrounding the holiday include its historical origins, its association with non-Islamic traditions, and the potential encouragement of immoral behaviour.
Islamic teachings emphasise the importance of adhering to Islamic traditions and avoiding celebrations that originate from other religious or pagan practices. Some scholars argue that since Valentine’s Day has Christian and pagan roots, it is not appropriate for Muslims to partake in it.
Another argument against Valentine’s Day is that it often promotes relationships outside of
Nikkah, which contradicts Islamic values. Valentine’s Day, in many cases, is associated with public displays of affection and expressions of love between unmarried couples, which are considered inappropriate in Islam.
Despite these concerns, some argue that Valentine’s Day can be observed in a halal manner if it is stripped of its non-Islamic influences and immoral elements. For married couples, expressing love and gratitude toward one’s spouse is encouraged in Islam. If Valentine’s Day is used simply as an opportunity to show appreciation to one’s partner in a manner consistent with Islamic values—such as giving a thoughtful gift, writing a heartfelt note, or spending quality time together—it may not necessarily be deemed impermissible.
Islam does not restrict expressions of love and appreciation to one particular day. Spouses are encouraged to nurture their relationship throughout the year rather than confining their affection to a commercialised holiday. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) set a beautiful example of expressing love and kindness, demonstrating that every day can be a personal “Valentine’s Day” for a couple.
Ultimately, whether Valentine’s Day is halal or haram depends on individual beliefs and interpretations of Islamic teachings. While some scholars strictly forbid it due to its origins and potential encouragement of inappropriate relationships, others take a more lenient approach, arguing that it can be observed in a permissible way if it aligns with Islamic values.
Timeless Love: Expressing Kindness and Gratitude Every Day, Beyond Commercial Celebrations