What is Nikah?
Learn What Nikah Is: A Comprehensive Guide to Muslim Marriage
Marriage is a sacred union in Islam, and the Nikah ceremony is the formal way to celebrate it. Nikah is an Arabic word that means “contract” or “agreement,” and it refers to the marriage contract that is signed by the bride, groom, and two witnesses. For many young Muslims, the Nikah ceremony is an exciting process. There are many traditions and customs surrounding the ceremony, and it can be difficult to know what is required. However, it is important to remember that the Nikah ceremony is a celebration of love and commitment, it is a time to come together with family and friends to celebrate the new couple and wish them a happy and prosperous life together. So what is Nikah? We’ve got all your questions covered

What is the history of Nikah?
It’s important to understand the history of Nikah, and where it originated from. The
origin of Nikah, or marriage in Islam, is traced back to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Before the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, marriages were often arranged by families without
the consent of the bride or groom. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH changed this by making it
clear that marriage should be based on mutual consent and respect.
The mahr was traditionally given to the bride’s father as a sign of the groom’s
commitment to the marriage. However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards
giving the mahr directly to the bride. This is seen as a way to empower women and give
them more financial security in the event of divorce or widowhood.
What is Nikah and how is it different from marriage?
Nikah is the Islamic term for marriage, it is a legally binding contract between a man
and a woman that is entered into in accordance with Islamic law. The contract outlines
the rights and responsibilities of both spouses, and it is considered to be a sacred
union in Islam. The Nikah ceremony is still held in high regard by many families, even
if they have more Western views on marriage.
Marriage, on the other hand, is a more general term that can refer to any type of
union between two people. In the Western world, marriage is typically seen as a civil
contract that is registered with the government. However, in Islam, marriage is
considered to be a religious contract that is made in front of Allah.
So what is the main difference between Nikah and marriage? The main difference is that
Nikah is a specifically Islamic term that refers to a marriage that is entered into in
accordance with Islamic law, whereas marriage is a more general term that can refer to
any type of union between two people, regardless of the religious or cultural context.

What happens during a Nikah ceremony?
The Nikah ceremony typically begins with the imam (or other qualified Muslin scholar or officiant) reciting a khutba, which is a sermon or speech about the importance of marriage in Islam. The khutba may also include verses from the Quran that speak about marriage and its importance. After the khutba, the bride and groom exchange vows. The vows are typically simple and usually include promises of love, respect, and fidelity. Next, the groom then gives the bride a mahr, which is a gift that is given to her as a sign of his commitment. The mahr can be anything of value, but it is typically a sum of money. Then finally, the couple and two witnesses sign the marriage contract. The marriage contract is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both spouses. The Nikah ceremony is an important part of Islam as it establishes the legal and religious foundation for marriage. It also helps to ensure that the marriage is based on mutual consent and respect. After the Nikah ceremony, the couple is considered to be legally married in Islam. However, they may also choose to have a civil ceremony as per the laws of the country in which they live.
Is Nikah legally binding in the UK?
Nikah is not legally binding in the UK unless it is also registered with a civil
registrar. This means that if you have a Nikah ceremony but do not register it, you
will not be considered to be legally married in the UK.
The UK legal system is based on common law, which means that marriage is defined as a
civil contract. Nikah, on the other hand, is a religious ceremony, so needs to be
registered to become legally binding.
How to register Nikah in the UK
• Contact your local register office and provide them with some information, including the date and time of your ceremony, the names and addresses of the bride and groom, the names and addresses of the two witnesses, the name and contact details of the imam or officiant who will be conducting or has conducted the ceremony and a copy of the marriage contract.
• Following this, the registry office will issue you with a certificate of registration which will prove that your Nikah ceremony is legally recognised in the UK.
• You can register your Nikah ceremony at any time, even if it has been some years since the ceremony took place. Registering a Nikah ceremony in the UK typically costs around £50 and can take a few weeks for all paperwork to be completed.